Monday, September 16, 2013

Labor Day and on..

When I arrived back in Pierre on August 29 from Portland, I decided I would drive back to Wisconsin for the holiday weekend, leaving on Saturday morning.  I had been feeling bad for my pet, Pip, because she had been all alone the entire time I have been traveling for work.  I did have my neighbor checking in on her so she had food and water, a clean litter box, and to get some affection.  However, ten minutes each day is not enough for her.  She needs much more attention and love than that.  So the main reason I planned my trip to Wisconsin was to drop her off with my Mom.  I know my Mom would give her the attention and affection she needs.

While deciding to go back to Wisconsin for Labor Day weekend, I was able to persuade Heidi to come on the trip with me!  She ended up bringing her cat, Kahleesi, as well because she also believes her cat needed some extra love for the weekend.  We road tripped to Eau Claire on Saturday morning and arrived around 3 pm.  We rested and met up with some of my best guy friends to start Saturday’s festivities.  We pre-gamed a little bit at Lincoln’s house and then made our way downtown where we met up with some other close girlfriends of mine, Koreen and Kelsey!  I was excited to take Heidi around a real party town and to bar hop at some of my favorite spots in EC.  She enjoyed herself quite a bit.

On Sunday we went to my Uncle Wally’s new house out in Prescott, WI.  The house is beautiful and on so many acres.  It is a very beautiful property.  We were there for a few hours and drove back to EC to lay low for the rest of the evening.  Chas ended up coming over to hang out for the evening and until Monday afternoon until Heidi and I packed up and drove back to Pierre.  It was a great weekend that I got to spend with family and friends.  I enjoy those weekends so much and I’ll treasure them, always.

I was able to work remote the week of Labor Day so, NO TRAVELING FOR ABOUT 5 DAYS!  Sunday, September 8, I flew back to Portland and started my week working 7-7 until Friday.Friday evening, I flew out to LAS VEGAS to spend the weekend with my Uncle Travis, Aunt Ruth, and cousins; Rachel (11) and Katelin (13).  It was amazing to spend the weekend with them.  Friday when I flew in I was able to stay up past 12:30 am chit chatting away with my Aunt whom I haven’t seen in about 3 years!  We could talk forever, honestly.  Saturday I got up early to watch my cousin Katelin play soccer and then ran errands and another soccer game for Rachel at 1 pm, but it ended up getting canceled because of the weather.  I was sad I didn’t get to see her play the sport she loves the most but it gave my Aunt and I time to run additional errands to prep for the big fight, Mayweather vs. Canelo.

My Uncle had invited a bunch of people to watch the fight at his house.  He wanted to buy tickets for us to go see it live but tickets were OUTRAGEOUS, $3500 outrageous.  So we rented it on PPV instead.  I was reallllllly hoping to see a knockout but not one all night.  I was a little disappointed.  Overall it was a great fight and we all enjoyed ourselves, drinking and over eating.  It was a lot of fun.  I ended up going to bed around midnight again and tried sleeping in today (Sunday).  I had a great breakfast made by Rachel, my little cousin.  She made Belgium waffles!!  We watched some football and than made my way to the airport.

Let me tell you something.  It is the hardest when you leave family.  I was talking with my Aunt about how friends come and go and family is always there for you.  It is 100% true.  I’ve had plenty of friends come and go.  They come for a reason or they come for a season, but you ALWAYS have family.  Family is forever.

Labor Day weekend:
Yum!  These sunglasses taste so good!
The next few weeks are going to be pretty crazy for me.  I will be working 7-7, Monday –Saturday.  I will update as much as possible but my life will be pretty boring for the next three weeks, UNLESS a certain person comes to see me :) So... if something exciting happens, I’ll definitely be writing about it.  Don’t give up on me yet!
Labor Day weekend:
My adorable and giggly niece taking a bath in the kitchen sink.

Labor Day weekend:
Almost standing all by herself!
Labor Day weekend:
Hanging on the the couch all by herself :)

Las Vegas weekend:
My cousin Katelin is one inch shorter than me.  How can this be?!
Las Vegas weekend:
Rachel and Katelin posing with their puppy dog, Molly.
Las Vegas Weekend:
Kisses for Molly!
Las Vegas weekend:
View from the airplane window of the Las Vegas Strip.
Las Vegas weekend:
View from the plane of Las Vegas, you can still see the distant Las Vegas Strip.
Las Vegas weekend:
View from the plane of the mountains.

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